
“given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier.” – blore’s razor

so here’s the thing.
i have the best husband on this planet.
story time.
tayte has been gone for almost 2 full weeks.
he’s been in mexico “doing research” (aka vacationing).
i had a long day full of way too much studying for a stressful test, followed by attending that thing where grad students defend their thesis (i believe the grown-up phrase is “dissertation defense”)
there was a lot of talk about retirement and money and annuities and defaults and lots of greek symbols and i just wanted to leave and eat my peanut butter and nutella sandwich.
the things i do for extra credit.
(fun side note: the grad student was my TA when i took math 113. he and i weren’t friends or anything, but he did remember me by name. “you are the tenth child and your name is tenery. how do you forget that?” my sentiments exactly. the guy freaking breathes math. he’s so smart. it’s ridiculous.)
so i get home and there’s this thing hanging on my front door from edible arrangements telling me they tried to to deliver something but i wasn’t there.
i called them and the lady said she would send her driver over later.
i figured it was probably from tayte, because, well, he’s my husband.
also i usually send him something if i’m out of town (except for this last time. don’t remind him…) so that i know that he has eaten something and that he eats fruit (covered in chocolate, but it’s still fruit).
then it hit me—today’s our ten month anniversary!
i realized that he would be gone on that day, but i had completely forgotten about it today.
he is out of the country, busy doing “research” (vacationing), and he remembered, and i couldn’t remember when all i have on my plate is school and staying sane.
i love that man.
new favorite picture from our wedding day.
it may or may not be my new desktop.
i also may or may not just look at it a lot.
{right now, i’m sure he looks more like a mountain man than a newlywed in a suit, but he’s still mine and i still love him}

ps – the strawberries that came in the edible arrangements thing were literally the biggest strawberries i have ever seen in my life.

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